Become a Foster Family
We have numerous life experiences through family, travel, friendships, successes and discoveries. Those experiences all provide us with something we can share!
Whether you are on your own or a couple, have children or not, are employed or retired, if you are able to offer a youth or an adult a welcoming and structured home, we would like to meet you!
Valoris is bound by regulatory requirements when it comes to assessing and approving new foster families. Generally, it takes from six to nine months from the application to become a foster family to the final approval. The process involves five stages.
Throughout the process, Valoris professionals are on hand to assist you and to answer your questions.
Valoris encourages families to take training that could help them on a day-to-day basis. Some of the training is mandatory. Families can also count on the expertise of Valoris staff to help them with specific situations or challenges. The support provided by Valoris also includes monetary compensation for the families. That compensation can include a per diem or the reimbursement of certain expenses. Valoris may also assign a worker to the family to provide further support and coaching.
In addition, the Foster Family Association (FFA) of Prescott-Russell works in partnership with Valoris to support our foster families. The FFA offers its members a mentoring program, financial assistance for children leaving care, a legal defense fund and the support of communicators.
Becoming a foster family is easier than you might think. With Valoris, you can be sure that your family will be supported through every step of the process.
We are here to make life easier for families and help them focus on the essential: their role as a foster family.