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Valoris Highlights Adoption Awareness Month

November 4th 2020
Valoris Highlights Adoption Awareness Month

Throughout the month of November, Valoris pays tribute to families who have adopted and/or welcomed a child in their home.

An opportunity to recognize the unique and precious bond that can last a lifetime and have a great positive impact.

At Valoris, we believe that adoption is an effective way to provide a stable and safe family and living environment for children and youth. Every child or teen deserves to grow up in a family that offers love, positive life experiences and the confidence to help them flourish.

Adoptive parents come from all walks of life and all ages. They are single people, same-sex couples, heterosexual couples, working professionals. What do they have in common? They all have the same goal: to start or expand their family and help a child or teenager reach his or her full potential.

Valoris also wants to recognize young people who are adopted into new families. What adoptive parents do is worthy of recognition, but the resilience and strength of the children placed for adoption are equally worthy of recognition.

Adoption Is an Option!

Have you ever thought about adopting? Do you have any questions on the subject? Join us for an information session to learn more, or contact us at 1 800 673-5148. One of our professionals will be able to answer any questions you may have and can accompany you through the process.

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