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Valoris Is Looking For Family Members to Join Its Newly Created Family Advisory Committee

June 9th 2023
Valoris Is Looking For Family Members to Join Its Newly Created Family Advisory Committee

The Family Advisory Committee will provide insight and advice regarding mental health and addiction services relying on its members’ collective expertise and experience in supporting a loved one dealing with such issues.

This initiative contributes to Valoris’ efforts to offer quality services focused on the person and their needs, a client experience worthy of the organization’s values, and an accessible and participatory presence while innovating to adapt to current realities.

In addition to increasing community awareness and contributing to the reduction of stigma associated with child and youth mental health and addiction, adding these family voices will also facilitate the improvement of services. All of these elements add to the efficiency and longevity of the system!

What is the purpose of the Family Advisory Committee?
This committee consists of a group of family members who have experienced what it’s like to support a child or an adolescent on their journey through the mental health care and addiction services systems.

Objectives of the committee:

  • Generate a common understanding of both the priorities and the possibilities found in the mental health care and addiction services sector;
  • Enable family representatives to inform and influence operational strategies and activities within Valoris’ mental health and addiction services available for the youth of the Prescott-Russell region.
    Though it is not a decision-making body, this committee will provide strategic advice to guide and improve mental health services offered by Valoris.

Who are the members of the Family Advisory Committee?
The committee is made up of family members who have experienced supporting or accompanying a person who has received mental health care and addiction services.

A family is defined as a circle of support committed to taking care of one another. It consists of individuals who are biologically, emotionally, culturally or legally connected, including individuals the person receiving care considers vital to their well-being. Therefore, membership of the family committee is not limited to parents only.

Committee members are selected among Prescott-Russell residents who:

  • As family members, have experienced supporting a youth who is accessing or attempting to access mental health and addiction services in Ontario;
  • Are able to rely on their personal experience and perspective while maintaining a general overview of the system around them.

What is the time commitment for a member of this committee?
The meetings occur quarterly (four meetings per year) and will be held in person alternatively at Valoris’ service locations (Hawkesbury, Rockland, Embrun and Plantagenet). The place and time of the meetings can be adjusted to suit the majority of committee members. Virtual participation options will be made available as needed.

Monthly communications will be sent to the members between meeting dates. These may include updates, surveys, questionnaires, or other interactions aimed at keeping family committee members informed and gathering their opinions.

What support will committee members receive?
Costs such as transportation, lodging, meals, and other required expenses incurred related to in-person meetings will be covered. Valoris will take all necessary steps to reduce obstacles which might prevent committee member participation.

Interested? Contact us by email at or by phone at 613-673-5148 extension 3338.

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