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Four Reasons to Work in a Residential Setting at Valoris

April 15th 2021
Four Reasons to Work in a Residential Setting at Valoris

Here are four reasons why you should work in a residential setting at Valoris!

Did you know that Valoris operates 8 residences for people with physical and intellectual disabilities? Did you know that each residence has a maximum of 3 to 5 residents? Perhaps you have already applied for a position in a residential setting without really knowing what it was all about. Don't worry, here are 4 reasons why you should work in a residential setting at Valoris!

A Unique Workplace

We offer services to adults in residential settings. Our residences are located throughout Prescott-Russell. This type of cohabitation allows residents to create a home, a more personalized and welcoming environment. This type of environment has a great impact on their lifestyle and the maintenance of their skills. During a shift, residents and staff can cook; go on cultural, sports or recreational outings; have a movie night or even explore new passions: painting, music, sewing, etc. This makes it a rather unique workplace in the region, far from the image of large institutions where everything is grey and cold.

A Rewarding Job

Often, people may have pre-conceived notions or misconceptions about adults with intellectual disabilities and the support they need. Their disabilities are not who they are. It's a part of them, but they are so much more than that. They mostly just need the tools and extra help to accomplish life on a daily basis and push themselves to reach a potential that lies within them. These people have dreams and life goals, and Valoris' residential staff are there to help them achieve them. It is a rewarding job that reminds us on a daily basis that it is possible to make a difference in the lives of one or many people.

An Outstanding Team

Working in these residences means building lasting relationships with colleagues and residents. The knowledge and skills of each person make for strong, complementary work teams. There is no judgment or competition here. Everyone is there to support and help each other.

"The teams I have worked on have been very positive, challenging and encouraging. Friendships have been formed. I've always felt like I had room to grow. Plus, there are always opportunities for professional development. It's not everywhere that you get that kind of support", shared one residential employee when asked about their perception.

Competitive Advantages and Benefits

Valoris offers advantageous employment conditions and benefits. Salaries are competitive in this sector. Employees have 12 holidays per year, and the progression on the vacation scale is rapid. New Valoris employees even start with 3 weeks of vacation!

At Valoris, we focus on the professional development of our employees. Ongoing training is always offered and we give employees the opportunity to grow within the organization.

We are also flexible! If you are a person who prefers to work part-time, or if you only want to work a few fixed days a week, that is also an option.

We Are Looking for People Like You!

If you are a caring, gentle, team player who wants to support an adult to better integrate and fully participate in their community, this type of job is REALLY for you! Visit our Careers webpage for more information and to apply. You can also view the March 25th Virtual Career Fair by visiting our Facebook page (available in French only) and learn more about our organization and the positions available.

Start your career as a Personal Growth Collaborator or Personal Support Collaborator with Valoris, and join a team that works to make Prescott-Russell an inclusive living environment.

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