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COVID-19: Updates

April 6th 2020
COVID-19: Updates

Update: April 6, 2020

Valoris has been closely monitoring the developments surrounding the coronavirus disease (COVID-19). We continue to follow and implement the federal and provincial recommendations as well as those provided by the Eastern Ontario Health Unit.

Our main concern is protecting the health of our employees and of the individuals we support, all the while continuing to offer essential services. As a result, we have put in place preventative measures to help reduce the spread of germs.

Having Trouble Reaching Us?

Due to overuse of the telephone and Internet networks in the country, we are experiencing difficulties with our telephone lines. Therefore, if you are trying to reach us, please try one of the following:

  • Call 613-282-5141. If there is no answer, leave us your name and phone number and someone will call you back as soon as possible.
  • You can also contact us by email at
Child Welfare Services

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Children’s Aid Societies and Indigenous Child and Family Well-Being Agencies in Ontario ARE continuing their child protection services. We are NOT closed. Although agencies across the province have modified their business practices to respond to health and safety concerns, their core protection services continue. If any member of the public or professional have a concern about the safety or well-being of a child or youth under 18, they should immediately contact us or their local Children’s Aid Societies or Indigenous Child and Family Well-Being Agency. A list of local contact information for these agencies is available here.

Access to Our Service Centres

We are maintaining our essential services in the service centres. Although they remain open, we are restricting traffic. Many of our employees are working remotely to reduce the spread of the virus. For new service requests, we invite you to call us, or contact your worker directly if you are already receiving services. Rest assured that alternative means of communication are in place in order to continue the service offer.

Cancellations and Closures

In addition to increasing education surrounding good hygiene practices, we are cancelling certain nonessential programs as well as temporarily closing some services until May 4, 2020 (inclusively):

  • Cancelled: all CTC, Youth Network and People First Movement activities.
  • Cancelled: various groups (Between Us, family group conferencing, etc.).
  • Cancelled: all Passport group activities and adult developmental services community outings.
  • Closure: Embrun and Hawkesbury Day Activity Centres and Rockland day activities.
  • Cancelled: Valoris Foundation activities.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. However we know this is the right decision to protect the individuals we support and our employees. We will continue to update this page as needed.

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