Healthy Relationships +
8 Valoris St,
Embrun, ON
K4R 1E5, Canada
Please register by filling out the form on Zeffy.
This group runs on Tuedays, from January 14 janvier 2025 to April 8 2025.

8 Valoris St,
Embrun, ON
K4R 1E5, Canada
Please register by filling out the form on Zeffy.
This group runs on Tuedays, from January 14 janvier 2025 to April 8 2025.
Various activities for youth from 13 to 17 years old covering topics such as:
- Friendships.
- Community Engagement.
- Healthy Relationships.
- Effects of Social Media on Relationships.
- Substance Abuse.
- Interpersonal Communication.
- Conflict Resolution.
- Managing Stress and Other Challenges.
This program:
- Is tested and validated for use in the prevention of anxiety and mental health issues in adolescents.
- Provides youth with opportunities for skill development in various areas such as the arts, sports, relaxation techniques, etc.
- Always ends with a special youth recognition event.